Friday 10 October 2014

X-Factor Auditions

Sondesh Kumar

The producers decided to include this clip because it adds humour to the show and conforms to the X- Factors aim to entertain and offer escapism.
Throughout there is fast editing because the don't want to spend ages on him as he is not very good and is only there to be laughed at; therefore they only include the funniest clips and edit most of his audition out.
Tulisa introduces him and already before he has even sung there is a mid shot of Kelly looking weary about this performer, hinting to the audience that he won't give a very good performance. 
Sondesh then replies to Tulisa with what is made at as a humorous answer, he believes he can be compared to 'Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Prince', which the audience view as funny because the producers have already hinted he won't be very good through the reactions from the judges, fast editing, but also because there is no back story or inspirational music; which usually appears on the fantastic acts, as the producers like to spend more time on them. Louis' reaction whilst Sondesh answers is that of confusion and disbelieving, which makes his answers that much funnier. It is also interesting that the same amount of time was spent on Sondesh's answers as Louis' reactions, showing that he is not that important and emphasising how absurd the judges are finding this.
He then spend around 5 seconds singing, which is shown in a long shot, highlighting how bad and awkward he is, but also showing his feet, hinting he is about to dance.
The next 20 seconds contain quick editing of Sondesh's awful dancing and the reactions from both the judges and the audience, showing them laughing at him, provoking the audience at home to laugh.
The lighting is high key, but it is throughout all the auditions for continuity.
Over-all, the fact that they spend less than a minute on him shows he is not very good or is going to get through.

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